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The Economist - 23 апреля 2016

Скачать бесплатно журнал The Economist - 23 апреля 2016.Год выпуска: апрель 2016

Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group

Жанр: Экономика/Политика

Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd»

Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)

Качество: OCR

Количество страниц: 84

Описание: Hillary Clinton has the Democratic nomination within her grasp. She needs bolder ideas on what to do with it: leader, page 9. In a year of insurgents, Americans appear likely to elect an establishment grande dame as president, pages 17-20. Brazil
Dilma Rousseff has let her countrydown. But so has the entire political class: leader, page 10. The economy is in freefall. The presidentis likelytobeimpeached. Brazil's democracy faces its toughest moment since the end of dictatorship, page 27. Few congressmen cited the charges against her, page 28.
The killing of rebels has some ominous echoes of Rwanda in 1994: leader, page 11. Political, ethnicand economic crises stalk the country, page 37.
America and Brexit
Barack Obama joins the Remain campaign, page 47. A chance to have a birthday lunch with the queen,page 48.
The European Commission's case thatthe tech giant has abused its dominancein mobile operating systems has merit: leader, page 11. Why the commission is going after Google, page 53.
Politics of oil
An impetuous prince is rattling the Middle East, butmayalso bring bold reform: leader, page 12. America, notOPEC, decides the fate of global oil markets, page 64. In Iran investors are struggling to get started, page 57.
Helicopter money
To get out of a slump, the world's central banks consider handing out cash: Free exchange, page 66.
Sleeping in a strange bed
Why a familiar bed provides a good night's sleep, page 69.
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