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The Economist - 23 ноября 2019

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Скачать бесплатно журнал The Economist, 23 ноября 2019

Год выпуска: ноябрь 2019

Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group

Жанр: Экономика/Политика

Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd»

Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)

Качество: OCR

Количество страниц: 82

Hong Kong in revolt: China's unruly periphery

Hong Kong is not the only part of China's periphery that resents Beijing's heavy hand: leader, page 13. A generation shapes its identity on the anvil of Xi Jinping's intolerance: briefing, page24. In response to a damning leak, few Chinese officials are blushing: Chaguan, page 42.

How hospitals rip you off

  • American health care is a racket. Hospitals need a dose of transparency—and tougher antitrust action, too, page 14. The Trump administration wants hospitals to be more upfront about prices. They demand a second opinion, page 57.

Can McKinsey shrink to greatness?

  • What happens when the management priesthood faces disruption: Schumpeter, page 62.

Fuel prices set Iran ablaze

  • Rises in the price of petrol are fuelling unrest in Iran, page 43.

Impoochment: Americans and their dogs

  • The meaning of America's canine obsession: Lexington, page 32.

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