Год выпуска: Spring 2020
Автор: Harvard Business Review USA
Жанр: Бизнес
Издательство: «Harvard Business Review USA»
Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)
Количество страниц: 132
Finding the Why in What You Do
Work should feel meaningful. But how does a leader ensure that's true for every person in his or her organization? The collection of articles in this special issue can serve as a guide. Whether you lead a large company or a small start-up, you will learn how to craft a corporate purpose that pushes people to work toward that common goal. In “Why Are We Here?” Sally Blount of Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management and Paul Leinwand of PwC explain why that starts with a well-articulated purpose statement, followed by hiring practices, work priorities, and investment to back it up. It's not always easy to pinpoint the right purpose, they note, but the effort will pay dividends.
Increasingly, your purpose will need to center on not just your own employees, shareholders, and customers but also a greater social good. Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School and Mark R. Kramer of HBS and FSG make this case in their game-changing article “Creating Shared Value,” while their HBS colleagues Aaron K. Chatterji and Michael W. Toffel explain exactly what it takes to become one of “The New CEO Activists.” (Spoiler: lots of careful thought about which issues matter and how and when to weigh in.) Remember, too, that everyone — especially you and your direct reports — should find a way to personalize and internalize the mission. In “From Purpose to Impact,” Nick Craig of the Core Leadership Institute and HBS's Scott A. Snook offer a step-by-step guide for doing just that. And a host of other scholars and practitioners — from Morten Hansen of the University of California, Berkeley, to Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic of ManpowerGroup — add advice on how individuals and teams can use meaning to stay motivated, avoid burnout, enhance collaboration, and boost productivity, performance, and well-being. At Harvard Business Publishing, we've tried to take all these lessons to heart. Our purpose is “to improve the practice of management and its impact in a changing world.” From the boardroom to the mail room, we're united in that pursuit. And we hope that, after reading the pieces in the following pages, you'll be better equipped to join us.
Harvard Business Review (Spring)
Building Corporate Purpose
- Why Are We Here?
- Put Purpose at the Core of Your Strategy
- Creating a Purpose-Driven Organization
- The Dual-Purpose Playbook
- Your Company's Purpose Is Not Its Vision, Mission, or Values
- Your Corporate Purpose Will Ring Hollow If the Company's Actions Don't Back It Up
- How to Instill Purpose
- Four Hard Questions to Ask About Your Company's Purpose
- Purpose Is Good — Shared Purpose Is Better
- Successful Startups Don't Make Money Their Primary Mission
- Too Many Pivots, Too Little Passion
Serving Society
- Creating Shared Value
- Competing on Social Purpose
- The New CEO Activists
Finding Your Own Purpose
- From Purpose to Impact
- How Senior Executives Stay Passionate About Their Work
- You Don't Find Your Purpose — You Build It
- How to Find Meaning in a Job That Isn't Your True Calling
- Finding Meaning at Work, Even When Your Job Is Dull
- What to Do When Your Heart Isn't in Your Work Anymore
- You're Never Done Finding Purpose at Work
- When Passion Leads to Burnout
Leading a Purposeful Team
- The Power of Small Wins
- How to Make Work More Meaningful for Your Team
- Five Questions to Help Your Employees Find Their Inner Purpose
- How to Motivate Employees to Go Beyond Their Jobs
- Every Generation Wants Meaningful Work — but Thinks Other Age Groups Are in It for the Money
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