The Economist - 1 мая 2021
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Год выпуска: май 2021
Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group
Жанр: Экономика/Политика
Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd»
Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)
Качество: OCR
Количество страниц: 76
The most dangerous place on Earth
- How to avoid war over the future of Taiwan: leader, page 7, and briefing, page 14.
- Disillusionment with engagement has caused a shift in China analysis, page 49.
- Taiwan's top chipmaker has a strategy for Sino-American ructions, page 56.
Joe Biden and the 100-day obsession
- He has gone from boring candidate to drawing comparisons to Franklin Roosevelt. Are they justified? Page 31.
- What an infrastructure bonanza could mean for America's economy: Free exchange, page 68.
The true cost of long covid
- Evidence is mounting that long covid is a real threat to global health: leader, page 8, and analysis, page 69.
Sleaze and the Tories
- The best way to keep Downing Street clean may be to pamper the prime minister a bit more: Bagehot, page 24.
- The voters don't seem to care, page 19.
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