The Economist - 28 августа 2021
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Год выпуска: август 2021
Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group
Жанр: Экономика/Политика
Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd»
Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)
Качество: OCR
Количество страниц: 88
Where next for global jihad?
- How Islamist insurgents will be inspired by the Taliban’s triumph: leader, page 7, and briefing, page 13.
- The Taliban prepare to rule, page 29.
- Afghan refugees in America, page 18, and Uganda, page 39.
- Fleeing officials (and their money) turn up in the Gulf, page 39.
- Our Special report on the Arab world, after page 40.
Cook’s new recipe for Apple
- A decade at the helm of the world’s most valuable company was a success for its ceo. The next ten years will be harder: leader, page 9, and analysis, page 53.
Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Schulz?
- A surge for the Social Democrats upends the election campaign, page 41.
Keep Powell at the Fed
- Despite his shortcomings, the chairman of America’s central bank should be reappointed: leader: page 8, and analysis, page 60.
String theory tied up in knots
- Physicists are under pressure to abandon some long-held beliefs. What comes next? Page 68.
- Fundamental physics is on of humanity’s most extraordinary achievements: leader, page 10.
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