The Economist - 26 марта 2022
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Год выпуска: март 2022
Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group
Жанр: Экономика/Политика
Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd»
Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)
Качество: OCR
Количество страниц: 88
POWER PLAY: The new age of energy and security
- The world’s energy industry is about to be remade. But energy insecurity is here to stay: leader, page 9.
- Meet the commodities giants behind the energy transition, page 71.
- The oil market, page 74.
- The charm of small nuclear reactors, page 78.
- American clean tech: Lexington, page 40.
Why Putin hates the West
- The Kremlin’s cult of war, page 17.
- A Putin bibliography, page 82.
- Istanbul has become a Russian refuge, page 30.
Can Europe stick together over Ukraine?
- The eu has united in response. But staying as one is getting harder, page 29.
- Weaning Europe off Russian energy: Charlemagne, page 32.
- What Biden can learn from Truman Like the 33rd American president, Joe Biden must strive to curb both Russia and China without blowing up the world, page 33.
- For all America’s success in supporting Ukraine, hard times lie ahead: leader, page 10.
Rishi and the high-tax Tories
- The chancellor longs to be known as a tax-cutter, but he does not deserve it, page 21.
- Don’t lower taxes on fuel: leader, page 11.
- Have economists led ecologists astray? Free exchange, page 77.
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