Журнал «The Economist» №14 апрель 2009 |
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Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group Жанр: Экономика/Политика Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd» Формат: PDF Качество: eBook (изначально компьютерное) Количество страниц: 168 (журнал на английском языке) Описание: Еженедельное издание «The Economist» — мировая экономика, бизнес и геополитика. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ НОМЕРА The world this week Politics this week Business this week KAL's cartoon Leaders The rise and fall of the wealthy The rich under attack The G20 and the world economy Be bold Religion and human rights The meaning of freedom Democracy in South-East Asia The Indonesian surprise Russia and the rule of law The Trial, round two Israel's new government Change your tune Letters On carbon capture and storage, Hmong women, credit-default swaps, philanthropy, the middle class, Michelle Obama Briefing Indonesian democracy Beyond the crossroads United States The economy A faint sound of applause Statewatch: California Under the tarnish, still golden Health care Harry and Louise ride again The scrap-metal market Nothing glisters The Midwestern floods A river runs through it, again Florida's public defenders Out in the cold Lexington A nation of jailbirds A special report on the rich Easier for a camel Show them the money Bling on a budget A thing of beauty Dropping bricks More or less equal? Giving it away Plucking the chickens Paying the bill Sources and acknowledgments Offer to readers Business America's car industry Time for a new driver Carmaking in France Mover and shaker Computing Clash of the clouds Online gaming in China Intangible value Consumer psychology From buy, buy to bye-bye Face value Ticket to ride Mexico and the United States Taking on the narcos, and their American guns The Mexico-US border Fear of violence The progressives' Chile summit Home truths White-collar crime in Canada Too trusting Raul Alfonsin An Argentine democrat Asia India's election Congress's great dynastic hope Pakistan The war on Pakistan's Taliban Afghanistan and Pakistan More troops and money The Khmers Rouges and justice The court on trial Thailand No green light South Korea Mad bullying disease Middle East & Africa South Africa Politics versus the law A mysterious air raid on Sudan A battle between two long arms Israel's electoral system Make it better Saudi Arabia's Prince Nayef A rising but enigmatic prince The Arab League summit Unity of a kind Iraq's former insurgents Bad blood again Europe The Khodorkovsky case A new Moscow show trial Turkish politics A wake-up call from the voters Bosnia's future A tearing sound Troubled Macedonia The name game Charlemagne The great euthanasia debate Briefing The semiconductor industry Under new management Finance and economics Japan The incredible shrinking economy Mexico and the IMF No strings attached Buttonwood Minsky's moment Regulating banks Basel brush The black market Notes from the underground Spanish banks The mess in La Mancha Gold Bullish on bullion Economics focus The grass is always greener Marjorie Deane internship Correction: Globalisation and trade Science & Technology Neuroscience and social deprivation I am just a poor boy though my story's seldom told Astrophysics Ethereal wisps Biometrics Knobbly ID Mining safety Bash for help Books & Arts William Shakespeare Soul of the age Vince Cable Spirit of the age Eugene Ionesco's "Exit the King" Forgotten gem A shadow falls In the heart of Java Adolf Eichmann Manhunt The American civil war Mule steak and dressed rat Leaving Tangier Tahar Ben Jelloun Obituary John Hope Franklin Economic and Financial Indicators Overview Output, prices and jobs The Economist commodity-price index Women in parliament Trade, exchange rates, budget balances and interest rates Britain Renewable energy Greenstanding Jacqui Smith There's a recession on, you know Politics and the internet Today, Strasbourg; next, the world British tax havens Sinking assets Building societies Dunlending Economic outlook Glimmers of hope, forecasts of gloom The equality industry Rumblings in quangoland Bagehot Who runs Britain? Articles flagged with this icon are printed only in the British edition of The Economist International The G20 summit The Obama effect Cyberwarfare A Chinese ghost in the machine? Religion and human rights Diplomacy, faith and freedom Correction: Malawi Markets Sovereign bond ratings ![]()