The Economist - 8 сентября 2018
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Год выпуска: сентябрь 2018
Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group
Жанр: Экономика/Политика
Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd»
Формат: EPUB, PDF, MOBI (журнал на английском языке)
Количество страниц: 82
Описание: Ten years on from the collapse of Lehman Brothers the system is safer. But the right lessons have not all been learned: leader, page 13. More has changed than meets the eye. But is it enough? Page 22. America's long-lived recovery breeds complacency about lingering macroeconomic risks: Free exchange, page 70. Why Italy's government bonds are so unstable: Buttonwood, page 69.
The world this week
- Ten years after Lehman
- Has finance been fixed?
- Geopolitics
- Trouble in the east
- Content liability
- Truth and power
- The war in Syria
- Idlib is falling
- Preserving the past
- The bonfire of the antiquities
- On Donald Trump, China, investing, Bermuda, rich men
- The financial crisis
- Unresolved
- The labour market
- All work and no pay
- The Skripal poisoning
- Caught on camera
- Economic policy
- The new centrism
- The Conservatives
- Blue kippers, red herrings
- Funding Circle
- A peerless IPO
- Effective altruism
- A base in Blackpool
- Commercial radio
- Channel hopping
- Alex Salmond
- Big fish, fried
- Bagehot
- An equilibrium of incompetence
- Russia and China
- The new wargames
- France
- Jupiter descending Germany
- After the stabbing
- Elections in Sweden
- The hornets' nest
- Charlemagne
- Beyond open and closed
United States
- Brett Kavanaugh
- Hard of hearing
- The president
- #Treason?
- Tariffs
- Who pays?
- Opinion polls
- White flight
- The Catholic church
- A widening schism
- Aid to foreigners
- Double vision
- Lexington
- The trials of Jeff Sessions
The Americas
- North American trade
- Damage from the Donald
- Canadian dairy prices
- My whey or the highway
- Bello
- Who lost Brazil?
Middle East and Africa
- The fate of Idlib
- Last rebels standing
- Israel
- Slow train to Jerusalem
- Palestine
- Trump's peace plan
- Politics in Nigeria
- Racing to the presidency
- South Africa's economy
- More bad news
- Corruption in Kinshasa
- Jam for traffic cops
- Japan and America
- Watching Trump nervously
- Human rights in Myanmar
- A blow to the press
- Gay sex in India
- Legal at last
- Banyan
- Disentangling from China
- Charitable donations
- The party's restraints
- African swine fever
- Pig trouble
- Traffic jams
- The slow and the furious
- Traffic and geography
- Let's try that again
- Tech giants and censorship
- The deciders
- Bartleby
- When teamwork works
- Nike and Colin Kaepernick
- Inviting controversy
- Postal inequities
- Stamping out competition
- Video games in China
- One in the eye
- Schumpeter
- Smartphone supply chains
Philosophy brief
- Rousseau, Marx and Nietzsche
- The prophets of illiberal progress
Finance and economics
- Argentina v Turkey
- Failing conventionally
- Sir James Mirrlees
- The optimal economist
- Money-laundering
- Stubborn stains
- Zero-carbon energy
- Cleaner than thou
- Buttonwood
- Italian bonds
- Free exchange
- A savings account
Science and technology
- Curbing illegal fishing
- Netting the crooks
- Health care
- Bubbling with ideas
- Manufacturing in space
- Free-falling profits
- Animal behaviour
- To the point
Books and arts
- Polish contemporary art
- A different culture war
- Brazil's National Museum
- Up in smoke
- One building in Prague
- Czech fates
- Irish fiction
- Sally Rooney returns
- Johnson
- The trouble with Latin
Economic and financial indicators
- Statistics on 42 economies, plus our monthly poll of forecasters
- Chicha Mariani
- Hope against hope
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