Год выпуска: сентябрь 2018
Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group
Жанр: Экономика/Политика
Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd»
Формат: EPUB, PDF (журнал на английском языке)
Количество страниц: 96
Описание: Success has turned liberals into a complacent elite. It is time to rekindle the spirit of radicalism: leader, page 13. Reinventing liberalism for the 21st century: an essay, page 45.
America's Supreme Court
Deepening partisanship is bad for the court and bad for America. Term limits would help: leader, page 16. Over recent decades it has become increasingly political, page 24.
The Chequers plan is in big trouble at home. More flexibility from the EU would help improve it: leader, page 16. Despite being under attack from all sides, Theresa May's plan refuses to die, page 64. Boris Johnson's bid for the leadership of the Conservative Party is gathering momentum, page 65.
A looming debt crisis should serve as a warning for the rest of Africa: leader, page 18. An increasingly authoritarian regime is pushing Zambia towards financial ruin, page 55.
Our new China column takes its name from a meeting-place of ideas: Chaguan,page 44.
America's economy
America is pushing the labour market to its limits, page 77. The Democratic Party's left flank has some ideas for fixing the country, page 27. Tariffs may well bring some high-tech manufacturing back to America. But ordinary people won't gain much: Free exchange, page 83.
After Jack Ma
No entrepreneur has defined China's transformation as he has. His success will be hard to repeat: leader, page 20. His gradual exit from Alibaba contrasts with other bosses' overweening clout, page 69. As regulators circle, China's fintech giants put the emphasis on tech, page 82.
Ornamental fish
Why Asia is obsessed with arowanas, page 40.
- The Economist at 175
- A manifesto
- Britain and the EU
- Selling Chequers
- The Supreme Court
- Weak is strong Emerging markets
- Lessons from Lusaka
- Alibaba
- Ma where he came from?
- On air-conditioning, Scotland, rebalancing, nudity
- America's Supreme Court
- And Brett makes five
United States
- Public policy
- Wunderbar
- New York
- Sleaze and the city
- Cyber-attacks
- Suing spies
- Muslim politicians
- Bushies to Bernie
- Flying pets
- It's emotional
- Lexington
- Gary Johnson for liberty
The Americas
- Impunity in Guatemala
- The fears of a clown
- Colombian guerrillas
- Whack-a-mole
- Bello
- Coup-plotting in Venezuela
- An inter-Korean summit
- Showtime in Pyongyang
- Australia's aboriginals
- A new way to curb crime
- Banyan
- Team Trump's Asia policy
- Politics in Pakistan
- Liberal apostasy
- The ornamental-fish trade
- Economies of scale
- Arrests of Indian activists
- An ill wind in politics
- Separatism in Hong Kong
- Bracing for a ban
- Overcrowded schools
- Class struggle
- Chaguan
- The importance of teahouses
- Liberalism
- The Economist at 175
- 21st-century Corn Laws
- Free markets and more
- Immigration
- Open societies
- Welfare and taxes
- The new social contract
- The world order
- Something to fight for
- A call to arms
- Use liberalism or lose it
Middle East and Africa
- Zambia's debt
- End of the road
- Farming in Congo
- War and cheese
- A new battle for Iraq
- Infighting after the vote
- America and the PLO
- Back to the future
- Gun control in Yemen
- Heat check
- Sweden's population
- Still standing
- Asylum-seekers
- Under the gaydar
- Hungary
- Orban sceptics
- Cricket in Corfu
- At the crease in Greece
- Russia and China
- Brother enemy
- Charlemagne
- For those in peril on the sea
- The Brexit negotiations
- Chequers, the unlikely survivor
- Boris Johnson
- The clown prince
- Bagehot
- A hunger for ideas
- Climate change
- Local government v global warming
- Chinese bosses
- Command and control
- Bartleby
- Artificial stimulant
- Volvo's IPO
- Safe at any Swede
- CBS's Les Moonves
- Final episode
- Vaping in America
- Smoked out
- America's housing market
- Fixer-uppers
- Copyright rules
- Screen grab
- Schumpeter
- An empire of the mind
Finance and economics
- The Federal Reserve
- Feeling the heat
- Turkish banks
- Offside
- Venezuela
- The half-life of a currency
- Infrastructure in Colombia
- The highway, my way
- Impact ETFs
- Opposites attract
- Buttonwood
- Market millenarians
- Ant and Tencent
- And now for something completely different
- Free exchange
- Upsetting the Apple cart
Science and technology
- Recycling
- On the plastic highway
- Marine litter
- Sweeping the ocean
- Scientific publishing
- The S-Plan diet
- Wildlife conservation
- Tending the flock
Books and arts
- Bob Woodward
- The Trump chronicles
- American fiction
- The other side of paradise
- Adventures in 18th-century finance
- Wind and smoke
- Reimagining Homer
- Achilles and the heels
- The price of mega-wealth
- Another country
Economic and financial indicators
- Statistics on 42 economies, plus a closer look at education spending
- Luca Cavalli-Sforza
- The drift of humankind
скачать журнал: The Economist - 15 сентября 2018