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The Economist - 17 ноября 2018

Скачать бесплатно журнал The Economist, 17 ноября 2018

Год выпуска: ноябрь 2018

Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group

Жанр: Экономика/Политика

Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd»

Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)

Количество страниц: 100

Описание: To rebuild public faith in markets, restore competition: leader, page 13. Across the West powerful, profitable firms are becoming even more powerful and profitable. See our special report, after PAGE 46. Technology has eroded union power. Harnessing it may help organised labour to stage a revival, page 23.

Into the Brexit endgame

How Parliament should weigh up the Brexit deal: leader, page 14. The chances of approval look small, page 59. The case for having another vote on Brexit is gaining strength: Bagehot, page 61.

Coping with a 100-year-life society

Shinzo Abe must be bolder if a fast-ageing Japan is to stay solvent: leader, page 16.
The prime minister outlines his plans, page 41.

America's latest tax boondoggle

A scheme to draw capital to deprived areas looks more like a massive giveaway: leader, page 16. Superstar cities sweep all before them. How can the understudies get a lucky break? Free exchange, page 77.

China's plan for stimulus

The scale of debt limits the country's options today, page 71.

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