The Economist - 2 февраля 2019 |
Год выпуска: февраль 2019 Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group Жанр: Экономика/Политика Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd» Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке) Качество: OCR Количество страниц: 88 Описание: The world's democracies are right to seek change in Latin America's worst-governed country. But their responsibilities go further: leader, page 13. A failed revolution may itself be overthrown, page 20. How Venezuela's economy can recover from the Maduro regime, page 22. Hyperinflations can end quickly: Free exchange, page 72. How to handle HuaweiBanning one of China's leading firms from operating in the West should be a last resort: leader, page 14.The tech giant is accused of rewarding tradesecret pilferers on staff, page 60. Talking to the TalibanA deal to end the Afghan insurgency would be wonderful — as long as it is not a figleaf to cover an American retreat: leader, page 14. Edging towards a peace deal, page 49. Better ways to tax the richHow to raise money, reduce inequality — and limit the economic damage: leader, page 16. The Democratic presidential primary contest is already the most left-wing in decades: Lexington, page 42. The future of fertilityThanks to education, global fertility could fall faster than the UN expects, page 56. скачать журнал: The Economist - 2 февраля 2019