Год выпуска: May – June 2019
Автор: Harvard Business Review USA
Жанр: Бизнес
Издательство: «Harvard Business Review USA»
Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)
Количество страниц: 88
As organisations globally try to become more competitive and future ready, they are seeking ways to innovate in order to enhance their offerings and services. In this issue's cover story, we present the article by Guido Stein and Miguel Martin, which looks at the fundamental solution to significantly improve the innovative capability of an organisation - creating a workplace structure that are compatible with the preferences of the millennials — which consists of the majority of the current workforce.
With the right people and workplace culture in place, it is important to develop a management system that allows organisation to deliver innovation sustainably. For this, Kristine Marin Kawamura and Simon Dolan propose the MBSIV model (Managing by Sustainable Innovation Values), which allows management to develop a values-based, high-involvement and performance-oriented innovation culture. Francesca Gino presents another way to look at innovation. She argues that by encouraging employees to rebel against convention and bring their best selves to the office, leaders can strengthen workforce engagement, innovation capability — and thus the bottom line. Moreover, we can never ignore the impact of AI on the future of work. In the article by James Campanini, he argues that AI is most likely to be deployed as an extension of existing tools, and integrating AI into the workplace can improve collaboration and productivity. In our Top Executive Education with the Best ROI series, we present the best and first-rate business schools and universities that provide top-quality business education. In the May/June 2019 issue, we are honoured to feature Vlerick Business School in Belgium and its Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) programme. Professor Brecht Cardoen, Academic Director of the DBA Programme shared with us how a DBA programme provides a set of analytical and rigorous thinking skills that will open new career opportunities for professionals and executives. Further in the issue, we highlight the latest marketing strategies for multinational companies: an article by Gregory DeYong, Hubert Pun and Carol Lucy examines the copycats in the fashion and pharmaceutical industries and how companies should implement rational measures to guarantee profit against product-stealing and low-cost copycats. Won-Yong Oh and Mooweon Rhee examine the success story of the K-Pop group — BTS, and argue that the most effective globalisation strategy can be ‘being yourself'. Lastly, negotiation expert Samuel Dinnar and Lawrence Susskind offer their insights for entrepreneurs on how to avoid making the common mistakes during their negotiation with partners, suppliers, investors and others. We hope that the diversity of perspectives and insights presented in this issue shall help you create an innovative workplace culture and effectively lead the next generation of employees to achieve breakthrough performance and future success!
The European Business Review (May – June)
- Corporate Culture: What It Is and Why It Is Important
- Vlerick Business School's Doctorate in Business
- Administration (DBA): Live, Learn, Leap
- A Revolution at the Organisation's Core: Millennials
- Why Leaders Should Encourage Employees to Rebel
- The Workplace Powered by AI Has Arrived, and Its
- Impact on Productivity
- Embrace Disruption in Financial Services because It's
- Here to Stay
- The Eight Common Mistakes that Entrepreneurs Make
- When Negotiating
- MBSIV: A Framework for Creating a Sustainable
- Innovation Culture
- Sometimes Being Yourself is the Best Globalisation
- Strategy: Lesson from a K-pop Group, BTS
- Copycats: Where fashion and pharmaceuticals meet
- Strategic Responses to Neo-Populism
- Design Thinking as a Strategy for Innovation
- Diesel Polluting German Cities: Give us a Brake!
- Soft Leadership and Women Leadership
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