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The Economist - 21 сентября 2019

Скачать бесплатно журнал The Economist, 21 сентября 2019

Год выпуска: сентябрь 2019

Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group

Жанр: Экономика/Политика

Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd»

Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)

Качество: OCR

Количество страниц: 92

The climate issue

Global warming touches on everything The Economist writes about. In this issue we feature a series of articles that look at climate change and how to cope with it. The stripes on our cover were developed by Ed Hawkins of the University of Reading. They represent the years from 1850 to 2018 and the colour marks each year's temperature, compared with the average in 1971-2000.

Iran's dangerous game

Nobody wants a war in the Middle East. That is why aggression by Iran and its proxies needs a tough response: leader, page 14. A strike on Saudi Arabia moves a shadowy conflict closer to open war, page 51. Saudi Aramco tries asserting control amid chaos, page 53.

Lessons from a Wall Street titan

How Stephen Schwarzman built a legacy: Schumpeter, page 76.

Why rent controls are wrong-headed

Capping how much landlords get paid is the wrong way to help Generation Rent: leader, page 20. High housing costs are once again leading Democrats towards rent control, page 33.

Goddess of the Taiwan Strait

Communist Party bosses love Mazu, a folk goddess of the sea: Chaguan, page 49.

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