The Economist - 7 марта 2020 |
Год выпуска: март 2020 Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group Жанр: Экономика/Политика Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd» Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке) Качество: OCR Количество страниц: 76 The right medicine for the world economyThe pandemic threatens an economic crisis as well as a health crisis. Both need fixing: leader, page 9. How four countries hold lessons for the rest of the world: briefing, page 17. As the economy reels, interest rates are only a partial remedy, page 61. Tourism flows and death rates suggest under-reporting of covid-19 cases, graphic detail: page 77. Joe Biden's remarkable comeback
Why NATO should help Turkey
The battle for African democracy
Jack Welch: a troubled legacy
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