The Economist - 11 апреля 2020 |
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Год выпуска: апрель 2020 Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group Жанр: Экономика/Политика Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd» Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке) Качество: OCR Количество страниц: 80 The business of survival: How covid-19 will reshape global commerceSome companies won't make it through the crisis. Those that do will face a new business climate: leader, page 7. The pandemic will accelerate trends that were already reshaping global business, page 13. Covid-19 is changing factories. Some of the innovations could be permanent, page 15. Banks entered this crisis in better health than the previous one. How sick might they get? Page 55. How not to run an electionWisconsin shows how not to organise an election while covid-19 is spreading: leader, page 8. The list of mistakes made by the federal government in responding to the virus is long. Now that the White House has taken charge, how is it doing? Page 17. A world awash with oilAn unprecedented plunge in oil demand will turn the industry upside down: briefing, page 53. Should you wear a mask?Aguide to the debate about wearing masks in public to slow the spread of the virus, page 60.
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