Год выпуска: Summer 2020
Автор: Harvard Business Review USA
Жанр: Бизнес
Издательство: «Harvard Business Review USA»
Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)
Количество страниц: 140
Описание: Our staff had initially set out to cover marketing in this Summer Special Issue, and we were readying those materials for the printer when the world changed. In the early spring it quickly became clear that the worldwide spread of the coronavirus would have vast implications for our careers, companies, economies, and psyches, even if many of those implications are still unfolding as we go to press. With problems and stakeholders clamoring, leaders are being forced to make some of the most important decisions of their careers to keep their people safe and their companies afloat, all without knowing what tomorrow will look like, much less next quarter.
But though this crisis looks different from any we've faced, it's not the first time leaders have had to confront a large-scale disaster, a struggling economy, or the unknown. Abandoning our marketing issue, our team delved into HBR's archives to find the best wisdom about leading through a crisis that has come out of a century of management thinking. In these pages we've included articles on communicating through a crisis, finding growth in a downturn, managing traumatized employees, embracing an unknown future, and avoiding layoffs. We were able to look to the best advice that has come out of research and practice from crises such as the 9/11 attacks, the fiscal crash of 2008, and Hurricane Sandy. In aggregate, these articles make it clear that the best leaders do more than keep their organizations going through tough, uncertain times: They provide a source of steadiness and direction that brings out the best in their people. That might mean the difference between a hollowed-out organization and a staff that's well positioned to innovate and create growth as our new normal sets in. It might mean the difference between everyone running in opposite directions and a team that sustains high performance even in the face of rapid change. And it might simply mean an employee who remembers amid the turmoil and trauma his or her boss's moral courage or compassionate human face.
Harvard Business Review 2020 (Summer)
Leading in a Crisis
- Leadership in a (Permanent) Crisis
- Crisis Communication: Lessons from 9/11
- Leading in Times of Trauma
- Leading, Not Managing, in Crisis
- In New Jersey, Good Crisis Management Has Mitigated Sandy's Impact
- What Aircraft Crews Know About Managing High-Pressure Situations
- How Chinese Companies Have Responded to Coronavirus
- How to Reassure Your Team When the News Is Scary
- Preparing Your Company for a Crisis
Embracing Uncertainty
- Living in the Futures
- Managing When the Future Is Unclear
- How to Do Strategic Planning Like a Futurist
- You Can't Make Good Predictions Without Embracing Uncertainty
- Predicting the Future
Weathering the Business Cycle
- Seize Advantage in a Downturn
- Layoffs That Don't Break Your Company
- How to Be a Good Boss in a Bad Economy
- How to Protect Your Job in a Recession
- How to Survive a Recession and Thrive Afterward
- How to Achieve Resilient Growth Throughout the Business Cycle
- Companies Need to Prepare for the Next Economic Downturn
Preparing for Risk
- Managing Risks: A New Framework
- Managing 21st-Century Political Risk
- How to Prepare for a Crisis You Couldn't Possibly Predict
- What Organizations Need to Survive a Pandemic
- How Kaiser Permanente Prepares for Disasters
- How the Internet of Things Can Prepare Cities for Natural Disasters
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