The Economist - 15 августа 2020 |
Год выпуска: август 2020 Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group Жанр: Экономика/Политика Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd» Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке) Качество: OCR Количество страниц: 76 Xi's new economy: Don't underestimate itChina's strongman leader is shaping a new form of state capitalism. Don't underestimate it: leader, page 9. Xi Jinping is blending market mechanisms with Communist control to remake the economy: briefing, page 15. A vaguely worded order from America's president is causing panic among millions of WeChat users, page 49. Decoupling the Chinese and American corporate worlds could harm American firms in surprising ways, page 55. What Kamala says about Joe
Belarus's shameful sham election
Boris and de GaulleThe French president has important lessons for Britain's prime minister: Bagehot, page 24. скачать журнал: The Economist - 15 августа 2020