The Economist - 5 марта 2022
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Год выпуска: март 2022
Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group
Жанр: Экономика/Политика
Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd»
Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)
Качество: OCR
Количество страниц: 76
War in Ukraine
- When Vladimir Putin escalates, the world must meet him: leader, page 9.
- A tragedy and a catastrophe, page 15.
- The post-post-cold-war world, page 20.
- Europe discovers a capacity for action: Charlemagne, page 47.
- Donald Trump’s party is returning to its senses on Russia: Lexington, page 29.
- China and Russia agree that big countries should run the world: Chaguan, page 39.
- Ukraine has changed how Taiwanese see themselves: Banyan, page 36.
The economic weaponry
- The West has used crushing sanctions on Russia. The implications are huge: leader, page 10, and analysis, page 17.
- Europe reconsiders its energy future, page 51.
- Abandoning Russia is easier for some firms than others, page 53.
- Europe’s commodities traders: Schumpeter, page 56.
- War and sanctions mean inflation, but not necessarily higher interest rates, page 60.
- The chaos in Russian markets: Free exchange, page 64, and graphic detail, page 75.
Our digital coverage
- Analysis of the conflict and its repercussions is updated throughout each day. For our on-the-ground reportage, guest essays, data journalism, explainers and more, visit
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