The Economist - 9 апреля 2022
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Год выпуска: апрель 2022
Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group
Жанр: Экономика/Политика
Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd»
Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)
Качество: OCR
Количество страниц: 80
Why Macron’s fate matters beyond France
- The fate of the French president matters far beyond France: leader, page 9.
- Emmanuel Macron has had a remarkable run which looks likely to continue; but things are getting harder: briefing, page 15.
Recession roulette
- A toxic mix of risks hangs over the world economy: leader, page 10.
- Are labour markets in the rich world too tight? Page 63.
- Why bonds are signalling recession even as stocks have been buoyant: Buttonwood, page 66.
The Rubicon of Russia’s war crimes
- Investigate and charge Russian war criminals, even if they are never brought to justice: leader, page 10.
- As Russian soldiers fall back from the capital, they leave behind evidence of systematic war crimes, page 27.
Lockdown in Shanghai
- Extreme restrictions in China’s financial hub indicate a failure of policy, page 49.
- Raging outbreaks show that Omicron is deadly in unvaccinated people: graphic detail, page 81.
What follows the smartphone?
- In Silicon Valley the search is on for the next big tech platform: leader, page 12, and analysis, page 55.
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