The Economist - 20 мая 2016 |
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![]() Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group Жанр: Экономика/Политика Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd» Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке) Качество: OCR Количество страниц: 80 Описание: How to combat the dangerous rise of antibiotic resistance: leader, page 9. The evolution of pathogens is a growing medical threat. Time to take the problem seriously, pages 17-19.
Is Facebook biased?
The social network's power has made it controversial with conservatives. But its importance to politics will continue to grow, page 27. Platforms are the future — but not for everyone: Schumpeter, page 58. Cameron's legacy Britain's prime minister wants to be remembered for capturing the centre ground. Brexiteers have other plans: Bagehot, page 49. A prominent critic of multiculturalism provokes more heated debate on race and faith, page 47. Putting big political issues directly to the voters is not more democratic, and usually gets worse results: leader, page 10. Gangs in El Salvador Violent extortionists are sucking the country dry, page 33. Who should run the UN? Asoggy consensus holds that the next UN boss should be an eastern European woman. Nonsense: leader, page 11. Why the ch oice for the next secretary-general wi ll probably be a stitch-up, page 50. The difficulties of peacekeeping in places like Congo, page 51. Who fights, and who pays, page 52. Oil and climate change Climate-conscious shareholders are putting Big Oil on the spot, page 53. Central banks and recession When periods of economic growth come to an end, old age is rarely to blame: Free exchange,page 64. America's next president should modernise the Federal Reserve system: leader, page 10. Virginity tests They are nonsensical, degrading and still too common: leader, page 12. The unintended consequences of an outrageous tradition, page 22. скачать журнал: The Economist - 20 мая 2016