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The Economist - 28 мая 2016

Скачать бесплатно журнал The Economist - 28 мая 2016.Год выпуска: май 2016

Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group

Жанр: Экономика/Политика

Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd»

Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)

Качество: OCR

Количество страниц: 100

Описание: It is past time for the world to get serious about North Korea's nuclear ambitions: leader, page 11. Kim Jong Un is on the home straight to making his country a serious nuclear power. Nobody knows how to stop him, pages 19-22. Voting rules
America's electoral laws area recipe for chaos in November: leader, page 13. Today's voting-rights disputes are less clear-cut than those of the civil-rights era, but they are inflammatory all the same, page 23. Compulsory voting is hardest to enact in the places where it would make most difference: Free exchange, page 68.
Europe's far right
Extremist parties are no longer a fringe: leader, page 12. The far right lost in Austria, but it is a growing force in Europe, page 45. The migrant crisis in Europe last year was only one part of a worldwide problem. The rich world must get better at managing refugees. See our special report after page 42.
Who's in charge in Iran?
The supreme leader is clipping the wings of the reformist president, page 39.
Americans take too many painkillers. Most other people don't get enough: leader, page 14. The war on drugs is depriving people in poor countries of pain relief, page 53.
Regulating tech firms
The growing power of online platforms is worrisome. But regulators should tread carefully: leader, page 12. European governments are not alone in wondering how to deal with digital giants, page 57.
Life in the fast lane Business people are racing to learn from Formula One drivers: Schumpeter, page 62.
Babies and intelligence
Children are born helpless, which might explain why humans are so clever, page 69.
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