The Economist - 29 мая 2021
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Год выпуска: май 2021
Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group
Жанр: Экономика/Политика
Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd»
Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)
Качество: OCR
Количество страниц: 84
Two states or one? The hopeless peace process
- The Israeli-Palestinian peace process has become an obstacle to progress: leader, page 9.
- The ideal of two states has failed. It has left the Holy Land looking like one unequal state, page 44.
How amlo could ruin Mexico
- Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador pursues bad policies by improper means: leader, page 12.
- Elections on June 6th will determine how deeply — and ruinously — he can transform his country: briefl ng, page 17.
Did covid-19 come from a lab?
- How can the world prepare for a future pandemic when it does not know where this one came from? Page 57.
- What to make of the lab theory, page 58.
- Improving the ventilation of buildings will help curb covid-19, page 75.
- The case for clean air: leader: page 11.
The capex bonanza
- Firms are rediscovering their love for investment: leader, page 10.
- We analyse their plans, page 67.
Belarus: pirate and pariah
- Having hijacked a Ryanair plane, it has only one friend to turn to, page 29.
- Russia puts the Czech Republic on an official enemies list, page 30.
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