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The Economist - 2 мая 2020

Скачать бесплатно журнал The Economist, 2 мая 2020

Год выпуска: май 2020

Автор: The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group

Жанр: Экономика/Политика

Издательство: «The Economist Newspaper Ltd»

Формат: PDF (журнал на английском языке)

Качество: OCR

Количество страниц: 80

The 90% economy

Life after lockdowns will be hard in ways that are difficult to imagine today: leader, page 7. The new "nearly normal” will be a long way from the status quo: briefing, page 14. Why America's unemployed could face a lost decade: Free exchange, page 68.

The case for opening schools

The damage to children's minds of keeping them shut outweighs the risk of infection: leader, page 8. Closing them for covid-19 does lifelong harm and widens inequality, page 52. The young seem to be less likely to catch or pass on the virus, page 54.

Stress-testing emerging markets

Our ranking of 66 countries shows which are in peril — and which are relatively safe: briefing, page 62.

A Wuhan whodunnit

The pieces of the puzzle of covid-19's origin are slowly coming to light. How they fit together, though, remains mysterious, page 69. China's opacity has allowed dangerous conspiracy theories to flourish: leader, page 10.

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